Wednesday, November 2, 2011

corner office with a view

This past weekend we premiered a new clinic: Bike Touring 101. The goal of this clinic is to introduce cyclists to all the opportunities available in cyclo-touring and then to support them on a short two-day excursion. The clinic included a two-hour pre-trip seminar that covered all the ins + outs of various types of touring, bikes, equipment, clothing, etc.

The weekend started Saturday morning in Woodside where we loaded all the bikes and headed out for the coast to our evening destination: Pigeon Point Lighthouse Hostel. Of course, this meant a trip up and over Skyline. With loaded bikes, no personal records were set on Old La Honda, but the extra weight on the bikes made for smooth sailing all the way down to San Gregorio. On Sunday, we returned to Woodside through farmlands and redwoods. In between, we feasted on local produce, specialities like Olallieberry pie, visited local highlights like the San Gregorio General Store, the Harley Goat Farm, and even had lunch at the world-famous Alice's Restaurant.

The weather was simply perfect: warm, sunny, and clear skies on both Saturday and Sunday. Sitting in the hot tub at the hostel during an amazing sunset on Saturday evening was a rare delight (no fog!). We cooked an amazing dinner on Saturday evening from local foods gathered in Pescadero and everybody slept well at the warm + cozy hostel.

This clinic is definitely a keeper, and I've already started planning more advanced options for 2012.

Here are a few of my favorite images from the weekend:

holiday decorations in La Honda

unique signage at Harley Goat Farms

Jan, happy that the climbing is over and the goat cheese is beginning!

lovely goat cheese

the historic Pigeon Point Lighthouse

post-ride zen

the perfect ending to a perfect day


Next up is a late addition to the coaching calendar:  co-ed Bike Skills 301 (pacelines + group riding) on Sunday, November 6th.  There's still time to register so come learn how to play nice with others on the bike!

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