Friday, April 6, 2012

30 Days of Biking Day #6

Even with a good sleep last night, I awoke this morning still tired.  My ankle/foot hurt.  I could feel five consecutive days on the bike.  And my plans for the day were suddenly up in the air.   It's days like this that I find it hard to motivate.  I bet you do, too.  My body was saying it's time for a day off, so I was planning a very easy spin with our team photographer to scope out photo locations but he decided to go to the snow instead.

My body needed recovery today.  I considered my options.  I could ride errands but I didn't have any.  I could ride to get froyo but I didn't want any.  I DIDN'T want to ride for training today.  So, what did I end up doing?  I rode the rollers for 90 minutes.  But I rode easy/spinny for recovery.  The sun was shining and it wasn't too windy but I still chose the rollers?  Sheesh!

The rollers are great because they really help you focus on form and balance and smoothness and pedal stroke.  You have to stay focused.  You can't screw around.  I also have a CompuTrainer but I rarely ever ride it.  All of my bike fit clients LOVE it because it's like a video game starring YOU on YOUR BIKE.  But it takes time to set up and honestly, I'd just rather throw my bike on the rollers.  So I did.

I'll admit that this 30 Days of Biking Challenge suddenly changed character for me today.  I felt compelled to ride my bike even though I felt I shouldn't because I didn't want to miss a day in the challenge.  It's not like there are prizes or recognition or anything.  You sign up and do your own thing.  But I felt I'd be letting myself down if I didn't get on the bike so I did.  I've also got that little Plus 3 Network wager with my friends Katie and Lisa.

So, day #6 in the books.  No photos on the rollers so I'll share a shot I took recently of my friend (and Velo Girls sponsor) Teresa Callen.  Teresa recently got a new city bike and a stylin' helmet to go with it.  She's also participating in the 30 Days of Biking Challenge and is posting a "helmet hair" tip daily on her facebook page: 

Go like her page and check out her awesome tips!

Teresa Callen of Image Arts Salon

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